Sunday, December 16, 2007
December 2007 Comic Previews Picks
BUSHI TALES #3 – awesome cover and amesome deal at DCBS (free sketch); online earlier issues at Webcomicnation.
COMICS NOW #2 – Second issue of new mag from Comic Geek Speak crew; can't wait for this.
CRIMINAL 2 #1 – I have the first trade, and pre-ordered the second; this is a new format for the series, so I’ll check it out to see what floppy extras I’ll be missing by collecting the trades of this.
GOBLIN CHRONICLES CVR A #1 – The previews look really fun; this looks like a very entertaining series, with great art to boot; sign me up.
HONEY & CLOVER GN VOL 01 – New (not really new) Tokyopop romance series; I’ll give it a looks since I usually like these things.
KICK ASS #1 – Don’t really get this, but I love JRjr
NANA TP VOL 09 - Yay! New issue of a great series.
NARCOPOLIS WRAP CVR #1 – This sounds good, not sure. More info here.
ORDER TP VOL 01 NEXT RIGHT THING – I liked #1, and the series gets good reviews, so I’m tempted by this.
PUNISHER FORCE OF NATURE – I have a soft spot for the Punisher, so might give this a go.
RASL #1 – New Jeff Smith book; a given
SHARK-MAN #2 - Loved the last printing of this, and this is 50% new I think
SMUGGLING SPIRITS BOOK 01 (OF 2) – The preview looked good, very Sin City esq. The story was good as well, about a world where spirits exist but only kids (a kid?) can see them, or something like that.
X-FORCE #1 – Well, I collected Marvel back around the first X-Force #1 days, and I love Wolfbane, so I’ll check it out.
COMPLETE LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE HC VOL 01 - I’m interested in this, but can’t seem to find any decent previews. Might pass for now.
MOURNING STAR – This has been out for a while, and one day I’ll get it. Preview.
TRUE STORY SWEAR TO GOD v1: I’ve read a few single issues of this, and can’t say I’m in love with it or anything, but this is a nice priced collection, so it’s tempting.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
November 2007 Comic Previews Picks
Pick of the month:
THEREFORE REPENT: At first I wasn’t interested in the concept, until I checked out the preview on comicspace.”Chicago after The Rapture, the righteous have floated into the sky, life goes on for the immoral majority.” Chicago post-end of world, great art, I’m there. Note: There was an error in Previews, the cover price will be $14.99 us, not $24.99!
BIG PLANS #3: Personal comic about a guy who when to the academy awards; could be good.
HACK SLASH HC VOL 01 OMNIBUS: I dunno, for some reason I’m interested in this. The one issue I read was OK, but lacked depth. But, given that this is the comic version of a slasher movie (but smarter), maybe that’s par for the course.
HOUSE AT THE EDGE OF NOWHERE #1 (OF 4): Preview looked good.
HULK #1: Red Hulk, grr.
INDESTRUCTIBLE SC: Punk rock comics by Christy road
MY BRAIN HURTS: Liz Baille mini-comic collected. Check out the great interview with her on Indie Spinner Rack.
MYTH TOLD TALES #1 MYTH CONGENIALITY: Mmm, not sure, I liked the books long ago, and the WARP series, so I might have to check this out.
ROD ESPINOSA PRINCE OF HEROES #1 (OF 3): Art looks great, might be worth a look.
SPAWN #178: Amnesiac vampire, sounded interesting. I recently read a more current issue of Spawn and I have to say they are working with an interesting concept there now.
TEEN TITANS YEAR ONE #1 (OF 6): The art on this in previews looked great. The preview pages are online as well. Teen titans were one of those things I was always familiar with, but never really checked out, what with my being a Marvel kid and all.
WASTELAND #14: Another one shot. This is probably my favorite new series. The first trade was great, and the first standalone was sensational. I'm assuming this one won't be collected, much like the first standalone, thus the need for the floppy. I'm glad, this is one comic worth getting monthly. And Joe Infurnari art, cool! Tides me over until the next volume of Borrowed Time comes out. First Carla Speed McNeil, now Infurnari, nice. The regular artist, Christopher Mitten is great as well, really atmospheric. Floppy pick of the month for sure.
YOUNGBLOOD #1: Heh, I'll bite; why I dunno.
SPIRIT #14: Aragones, Evainier, Ploog, OK.
APPLICANT SC: At first I wasn't interested enough to get this; actually, I was interested, but didn't think it would be worth the $. Then I realized this was a $4 comic, not a book, thus eliminating the cost barrier. Now I look forward to this glimpse into the past, although I still think it is a weird concept, printing old employee applications, including hr comments that reflect the era. Worth the $ though, I'm sure. Probably more than a few out-loud-laugh moments.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
October 2007 Comic Previews Picks
ANT UNLEASHED #1: I liked the Image run of Ant (although I’m painfully behind in my reading), so I’ll check this one out. Disappointed that Mario Gully is only writing this, and not drawing; hopefully he’ll draw some issues in the future.
BATLASH #1: Sergio Aragones and John Severin western. Apparently created by Sergio in 1968, with a short run.
BLACK HOLE SC: Softcover release of this highly regarded Charles Burns book. This takes place in the 70’s and is about STDs that result in weird deformities. I read one issue of the floppy and it was quite amazing. Really took me to the 70’s and drew me into the situation taking place. Can’t wait to read this.
BLACK METAL VOL 1 GN: I passed on this the first time it was solicited, and Chuck BB had sold out of his copies at the Chicago con before I saw him, so I’ll get it now.
BLUE PILLS GN: Good hype on this as well; euro love story, supposedly quite memorable and emotional.
CAPTAIN AMERICA #33: New Cap I think.
CRIMINAL TP VOL 02 LAWLESS: Loved V1, so I’m looking forward to this next volume in this crime tale. The story arc is supposed to be as good, or better than the first.
DEADLY BELOVED MS TREE MMPB NOVEL: Yay! I am a big Ms. Tree fan, so I’m looking forward to this new incarnation.
END LEAGUE #1: What is this? Oh yeah, “A thematic merging of The Lord of the Rings and Watchmen” wow, big words, them. Superheroes on a quest to find Thor’s hammer in a world overrun by evil. I’ll check it out.
FANTASTIC FOUR ISLA DE LA MUERTE #1: Tom Beland of True Story Swear to God. I was never really turned on by TSSTG, but I like it when alt people do super tales.
INFINITE HORIZON #1: Phil Noto can draw like mad, but sometimes his art seems stiff to me. Course, that’s just based on a couple of comics of his I read with not-so-hot writing.
NANA TP VOL 08: New Nana! I love this title; Manga about a girl named Nana who moves to Tokyo and becomes friends with a rock singer, also named Nana. Two live action movies have come out in Japan (SE’s available on DVD!) and I think an anime series to come.
NEXT ISSUE PROJECT #1: New Image series where they take old abandoned comic characters, and use them in new stories.
NORTH WIND #1(Res): I ordered this before, but it was cancelled. Thanks Boom. Post-apocalyptic ice world tale. I’ll have to think about this more.
NORTHLANDERS #1: New Brian Wood story about Vikings. I’m not too hip to Wood, but I have liked what I read. And I like seeing his studio in Comics Foundry mag.
NOVA TP VOL 01 ANNIHILATION CONQUEST: Good hype; I’ve never read.
RED MASS FOR MARS #1: New Jonathan Hickman book that he’s writing but not reading; I mean drawing. I assume he’ll read it.
SAND CHRONICLES GN VOL 01: New shojo manga book from Tokyopop, yay! Good reviews on this one; can’t wait.
SOME NEW KIND OF SLAUGHTER #1: I was iffy on this one until I checked out the creator’s blog; now I can’t wait. Re-imagining and re-examining old flood stories\myths. I think they are starting with Uncle Noah building himself an Ark. On the blog, there are a bunch of posts that are discussions between the writer and artist regarding the book, and what it should contain. I love it when people use the web to share such awesomeness. Check it out:
SUPERPOWERS #0: New Alex Ross super book. So cheap how can you pass?
WASTELAND TP BOOK 02 SHADES OF GOD: Ok, I still have to read V1, but I’m sure it’s great. #1 was great. I believe this doesn’t contain the Carla Speed McNeil issue, but that’s ok; I’m sure everyone already has that one, since it *was* drawn by Carla Speed McNeil! Kind of funny, I got that issue because of the artist, and later read a post from someone online saying they *didn’t* get it because of the unknown art. Hah! Fools!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Septembe 2007 Comic Previews Picks
COMICS NOW #1: New mag from the Comic Geek Speak podcast guys. If this is anything like their show it should be great.
ACTION PHILOSOPHERS VOL 3 GIANT SIZED THING TP: Awesome! Last one. Funny and educational.
APOCALYPSE NERD #6: P. Bagge = automatic buy
ASTRONAUT DAD VOL 1 GN: Looks great.
DARKNESS FIRST LOOK *Special Discount*: Not sure about this, ‘first looks’ are usually lame.
ENGINEER #1 *Special Discount*: ASP, art looks great. Previews available online.
MICE TEMPLAR #2: Loved the first issue.
MISERICORDIA #1(M) *Special Discount*: ASP, looks great.
OTHER SIDE O/T MIRROR VOL 1 GN (M) *Special Discount*: Jo Chen, about people with issues, looks good.
PAX ROMANA #1 *Special Discount*: Hickman, no brainer.
RESURRECTION (M) *Special Discount*: Post-apocalyptic tale, my cup o tea,
SPIKE TV RED LOTUS MARK O/T WARRIOR SP : Probably lame, but I like MMA.
TOTEM #1 *Special Discount*: I like Mario Gully, and this looks nice.
WONTON SOUP GN (M)(Res): Looks great! Very Brandon Graham esq.
WORLD OF WARCRAFT #1: Simonson writing, cheap.
WORMWOOD ONE SHOT: Might be time to check this one out.
DAN BRERETONS NOCTURNALS VOL 1 REG ED HC (Res): Oversized Brereton art, count me in!
MISADVENTURES OF CLARK & JEFFERSON #1 *Special Discount*: Cowboys and aliens; could be good.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
August 2007 Comic Previews Picks
APOCALYPSE NERD #5: Yay, the latest in this new series from Peter Bagge, of Hate fame. I’ll pretty much get any Bagge book, and this post-apocalptic tale is great.
AWESOME INDIE SPINNER RACK ANTHOLOGY VOL 1 TP: Indie Spinner Rack is a very entertainint comic podcast that I listen to on accasion, and always enjoy. This is an anothology they have been putting together for a while. Some top notch indie talent on this one; I can’t wait to read it.
DYNAMO 5 VOL 1 POST NUCLEAR FAMILY TP: Cheap ($10) trade of the first 5 issues. I read the first issue and thought it was excellent. Thanks for the cheap eats Image.
HATE ANNUAL #7: Wow, 2 P. Bagge comics in the same previews! When It rains it pours! As an old school Hate fan, this is of course a must get.
MULTIPLE WARHEADS #2: Brandon Graham’s latest effort. I haven’t read the first issue yet, but it is one gorgeous looking package. Brandon is another must get for me.
SHOWCASE PRESENTS SUICIDE SQUAD VOL 1 TP: I’ve never read an issue of Suicide Squad, but is appears to get rave reviews all around. I’ll do my catching up via this cheap collection.
WET MOON VOL 3 GN: Seriously? New Peter Bagge, Brandon Graham, and Ross Campbell all in one month? What did I do to deserve this? Needless to say, if Ross makes it, I get it. Go read Abandoned if you haven’t; or the first 2 volumes in this alt romance tale. Previews at
That’s the musts, here are the others I’m contemplating:
3 MINUTE SKETCHBOOK TP: Collection of 3 minute con sketches. I’m intrigued.
ATOMIC ROBO #1; NEOZOIC #1: New titles from a new publisher, the latter appeals to me more. Their third title got so-so reviews.
CRAWL SPACE XXXOMBIES #1: More zombie tales from Tony Moore and friends.
PROOF #1: Bigfoot joins the FBI to help search for other mysterious creatures. What’s with all these mythical creature comics? Perapanaughts, The Engimas, now this. I checked out a preview and it seemed pretty solid.
SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN VOL 1 TP: Cheap Conan trade. I don’t think I’ve ever read a Conan so this would be a good way to check it out. Especially for the Barry Windsor-Smith stuff,
Finder GN’s: All of the Finder trades are being re-released, so here’s your chance. Finder is a great series, I am missing a few that I need to pick up to complete my run.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
July 2007 Comic Previews Picks
COMIC FOUNDRY MAGAZINE VOL 1 #1: If I remember the story correct, this mag was initially rejected by Diamond, but got picked up after they lowered their price a bit, and stirred it up a bit online. I’ll check it out.
DIGITAL WEBBING PRESENTS #35: part 2 of 2 of the Enigmas. Don’t know much more than that, but since I ordered pt 1, I should get pt 2 as well. I’m looking forward to reading this.
IMMORTAL IRON FIST ANNUAL #1: Brubaker, Fraction, Chaykin, Brereton… hard to say no to that combo.
ESSEX COUNTY VOL 2 GHOST STORIES: Part 2 of the trilogy about a young boy and an ex-hockey player. I’m part way through part 1 now, and it’s good so far.
MICE TEMPLAR #1: Looking forward to this. Looks different, yet similar in theme to Mouse Guard.
NANA VOL 7 TP: Yay, vol 7 of one of my favs.
NIGHTLY NEWS VOL 1 TP: I read #1 and it was one of the most unique comics I ever read. Amazing looking stuff. The story itself was a bit heavy; I’ll read #1 again before ordering.
PRIMORDIA #1: Another new ASP book, Looks great.
SHOWCASE PRESENTS METAL MEN VOL 1 TP: I love the concept of the Metal Men, and can’t wait to read these classic tales.
SUBURBAN GLAMOUR #1: I had no interest in the artist’s last project, Phonogram, but the art I the previews for this one is blowing me away.
BART SIMPSONS TREEHOUSE OF HORROR #13: Almost missed this one, thanks to Pipeline Podcast for mentioning it! Notable due to the writers: Brian Posehn, Patton Oswalt, and Thomas Lennon. Comedy gold, really. A Zach Galifianakis story would have been nice as well, but he’s a comic hater. Go Comedians of Comedy (and Reno 911)!
Injury Comics #1: Getting this for this story: “May draws punk artist Jeff Wilson's tender story of his junior-high attempt to score his first joint and listen to some heavy metal.“ Preview here.
And in the break the bank category ($150.00 each), two things I will not be getting now, but will attempt to pick up in the future:
TINTIN HARDCOVER BOXED SET: This new hardcover box set contains all twenty-four of Hergé's stories of Tintin and Snowy in eight volumes in a lavishly designed collection. Wowza, Tintin art is beautiful, and the documentary on creator Hergé was exceptional.
COMPLETELY MAD DON MARTIN HC: This deluxe, two-volume, slipcased special edition includes every single work of Don Martin published in MAD Magazine (1957 to 1987), including a selection of his original sketches and notes, and rare photographs. Yikes. I was a minor fan of Mad, but always loved Don Martin’s stuff. I’d love this.
Friday, July 20, 2007
TiVo love
Friday, June 22, 2007
TV on Comics
Last season, two of the shows my wife and I watch were cancelled: Jericho, which I was lukewarm on, and Veronica Mars, which I loved.
Both were cancelled, but recently one was renewed due to fan support, and the other seems to be headed to the graphic arts medium.
I'm glad both have been given a second change, but unfortunately the one that is best suited to comics is going to be returning to TV, and the one best suited for TV is headed to comics. Bummer.
Jericho, while an interesting story, moved too slow for TV, and could have used better writers. It's post-apocalyptic story would have been perfect for a long, on-going comic, where one good writer could have explored the new world at a nice pace, for an indefinite amount of time; kind of like Walking Dead is doing. From the start I thought it would have made a better comic than TV show.
One of the strengths of Veronica Mars, on the other hand, was the great cast. The stories were good, but the actors really made the series a big winner.
But no, now we have each playing to their weaker elements, rather than two home runs (OK, Veronica Mars wasn't a ratings home run, but it was a fun show) we have two doubles that might get stretched into triples. (OK, I don't really care about baseball, so there was probably a better analogy there.)
Oh well. I'm still glad both are continuing in some form, and I can't wait to read the Veronica Mars series; it might even force my wife to read a comic!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
June 2007 Comic Previews Picks
Pick of the month!
My POTM this month is the easiest yet – it is a collection of an old series that I have been wanting for a long time now. I figured it would be coming eventually, what with all of the awesome reprints that are coming out these days (Peanuts, Little Lulu, Popeye, etc.) This one may be less of a classic, but it has always appealed to me -- HARVEY COMICS CLASSICS VOL 2 RICHIE RICH TP!!! Yup, the poor little rich boy hisself. I believe this is a best-of collection, and not a sequential release, but that’s ok. Nice series this Harvey Classics, let’s hope v3 is Little Dot.
The rest, in alpha semi-priority order:
RIDE HOME GN: Yay! I’ve been waiting for this one for several months now, ever since finding the comic online. The story of a Van-Gnome, who loses the Van he lives it and tries to find it. Fun stuff: Based on what I’ve seen, it looks like anything by creator Joey Weiser is a must get (I think Superior Showcase comes out this month, yay again!)
SPECIAL FORCES #1: Another yay! A new Kyle Baker series, this one about an autistic kid getting enlisted (which apparently happened last year) along with a bunch of other kids who also shouldn’t have been enlisted. Mostly though, it’s a Kyle Baker war story, and I personally loved the art in Truth: Red, White and Blue, so I can’t wait for this. (Yes, I realize the art in this is different). Preview art
MIRIAM #1: The story of Miriam and Peter, who been friends since the third grade. Each issue has 3 stories from their lives, over a period of twenty years. Sound interesting and the art appears to me. Previews here
MY FRIEND DAHMER #1: by Derf. Derf was friends with Jeffery Dahmer in High School. Sound be an interesting read. Get’s a big recommend from the Top Shelf blog. Preview ‘ere
SHAZAM MONSTER SOCIETY OF EVIL DELUXE HC: Sometimes it pays to wait… the collected version of Jeff Smith’s new limited series. Looks amazing, pretty much an automatic purchase for any Bone fan.
SUPERMAN #666: Simonson art, yeah!
TEEN TITANS #50: I know zero about the Teen Titans, but I know a lot about the new series writer – Sean McKeever, and thing I know is that Sean can write the hell out of a teen superhero story. Yay! Sean + teen superhero = gold! Kudos to DC for paying attention.
PHOENIX VOL 11 TP: I recently picked up a bunch of these from Great stuff.
AWAKENING #1: A zombie book by Archaia. Or at least it appears to be – people have gone missing and a girl claims it because of zombies. I’m excited for 2 reasons: 1) Archaia has been putting out some top notch stuff, and 2) I love good zombie stories, which seem to be out numbered by bad ones. Abandoned by Ross Campbell was a good one. I think this will be as well.
KILLING PICKMAN #1: Another Archaia book, about a cop who decised to kill a serial killer, whcih is, apparently, more difficult than assumed. Great looking cover.
THIRTEEN STEPS #1: By Phil Hester and Chuck Satterlee. About a teen werewolf. I’m getting this because I’m bummed about Golly! getting cancelled (although it appears Image may release it), and I love Chuck on Comic Geek Speak. I think they talked about this on CGS, but I haven’t heard that ep yet.
HARBINGER THE BEGINNING HC: OK, I tried, but I’m not sure I can pass on a Valiant HC. Especially if it means later they bring out Solar, X-O, and ARCHER AND ARMSTRONG books.
VOL 1 EVERYTHING WENT WHITE PREM HC: I’d like to read this, but I might wait for the SC.
Too much once again. Why do comics have to be so awesome?
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
May 2007 Comic Previews Picks
Pick of the month!
My POTM this month is a toughie – but I think I’ll have to go with what was the biggest surprise: PERRY BIBLE FELLOWSHIP TRIAL OF COLONEL SWEETO HC ($14.95): I’ve been reading the Perry Bible Fellowship comic strips online for a couple of years now, and they remain one of my favorites. Very dark and twisted… and smart… and funny. I look forward to enjoying these on the printed page. And a hardcover even! Nice!
The rest, in alpha order:
BAKERS BABIES & KITTENS HC ($18.99): I’ve been bad and have yet to pick up the last Bakers HC, or any other Bakers material (other than the x-mas special), and I feel guilty for that since I have, and enjoy, other works from Kyle Baker. And really, given the fact that this is about living with babies, and the fact that I have 1 little one, and another on the way, you’d think I’d be on-board with this series… but I’m not. I intend to change that this month. This gets high recommendations from other people as well.
BATMAN CONFIDENTIAL #7: Written by one of the writers of Heroes. Not sure if I care enough to get it. I do like Heroes thought.
BLAZIN BRANDY #1: The art sparks my interest, but the preview on the artist’s site is down. Oh well. I’ll check it out if it ever comes back.
CHAMPIONS #1 ($2.99): New Matt Fraction book; I think the concept is Iron Man makes people super heroes for a year each, unless they screw up and get fired. Kind of a Tony Stark reality show it seems. Hmm, not sure how interested I am anymore… luckily I trust Mr. Fraction.
COMICS INTROSPECTIVE VOL 1 PETER BAGGE SC ($16.95): New TwoMorrows book on Peter Bagge; I’ve been reading Mr. Bagge since forever, so this is a given. 50% off at DCBS. I think there’s another book on Mr. Bagge coming out next month by someone else; weird. I’ll probably get that one too.
FAKER #1 ($2.99): New Vertigo book about people in college and some weird stuff happening to them. Like one of them no longer has a history of existence. Worth a look.
FONE BONE PLUSH TOY ($12.95): So I was going to get this doll for myself, but then Randy on mentioned that he was going to get one for his daughter, and son on the way (or vise versa), and suddenly remembered I have a two year old that would probably like this… so I’ll get it for her. I’m nice that way.
GRENDEL BEHOLD THE DEVIL #0 (50c): Preview for a new Grendel by Matt Wagner. I would have gotten it even if it weren’t a preview.
HEARTBREAK GN: This a gn about a guy and his failed relationships. I read some previews online and liked what I saw:
MOUSE GUARD WINTER 1152 #1 ($3.50): Second Mouse Guard series. I should probably just wait for the hardcover since I’m sure I’ll get it. I dig this little tale (no pun intended). There are also PVC figures solicited this month, which I’d get if I had more loot.
MULTIPLE WARHEADS #1 ($5.99): OK, this is my second pick of the month. New 3 issue series from Brandon Graham, creator of King City. See review in a previous post This series is about Sexica and Nikoli leaving Dead City, 50 years after WolfWar 3. So it’s a post-apocaliptic Brandon Graham story. I can’t wait! Alternate pick of the month!
NARCOLEPTIC SUNDAY GN ($14.95): A narcoleptic wakes up after a one night stand to find the girl dead. Sounds interesting.
WHISTLES VOL 1 THE STARLIGHT CALLIOPE GN ($10.95): A clown finds discovers the seedy underbelly of his circus and of life. Sounds interesting and the art is good. Previews at Half-off at DCBS.
That’s it really. Not much, but adds up fast unfortunately.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
April 2007 Previews Pick Correction

Oops, totally forgot one comic, which also happens to be my actual pick of the month... It didn't appear on the list I was working off of since I actually ordered this on Amazon a few months ago, when it first showed up.
So, without further ado, my top pick of the month, is of course...
This reprints issues 11-14 of my favorite comic book, Peepshow, by Joe Matt!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
April 2007 Previews Picks
Pick of the Month:
MARVEL ILLUSTRATED TREASURE ISLAND #1: Hah! Have to make this sucker my pick of the month! Why? Two reasons: one, I’m a big Mario Gully fan, and two, I’ve been mildly obsessed with the idea of a Treasure Island comic ever since seeing Crumb. Let’s hope Mario throws in some Charles Crumb style art as a tribute!
The rest:
AMELIA RULES #18: I’ve never read this, nor do I have much of an idea what it is like, but the story, about kids adjusting to having their fathers go off to war, sounds like it could be quite memorable.
BIFF BAM POW #1(Res): New Evan Dorkin book. I didn’t really like the last issue of Dork, but I’m a long time Dorkin fan, so I’ll give him another shot. I think this is an actual story as opposed to strips, so it should be more of my thing.
BLACK SUMMER #0: New Warren Ellis series about a superhero who decides the president of da USA is evil and kills him. I’m intrigued.
HERO BY NIGHT #4: Last issue of the series.
HULK PLANET HULK HC: OK, here’s my HC, but 40$? And some non-Planet Hulk issues, why, I dunno. I’ll probably still get it though since its 50% off at DCBS, and I think the story is a great concept.
LAST CALL VOL 1 GN: Some kids get trapped on a ghost train, “an inter-dimensional soul carrier”. Sounds great and the art looks awesome.
LEGION OF MONSTERS SATANA: Jonathan Hickman backup story. I love the Nightly News and am wildly interested to see Hickman’s take on a Marvel story.
MYSTIC ARCANA MAGIK: One, I’m an old school New Mutants fan. Two, I’m an old school Louise Simonson fan. Sold!
NORTH WIND #1: Me loves me some post apocalyptic stories!
SPIRIT #7: Baker is awesome, Simonson is awesome.
SUPERIOR SHOWCASE #2: #1 was great, so I’m in. One of the best indie anthologies I know of. Definitely my fav.
TICK COMIC CON EXTRAVAGANZA #1: A new Tick is cause for celebration, especially when it's done by rising star Sean Wang (who has done the Tick in the past).
WORLD WAR HULK #1: Hulk coming back and kicking ass, might need to check it out.
AVIARY: Don’t know much about this, but the previews I looked at online looked good.
CLUBBING: Next Minx title, this time by Andi Watson and Josh Howard. Preview looked good. Still don't know if these are any good for us old men (us old men who like Ai Yazawa.)
ESCALATOR GN: Since I loved King City, I have to get this earlier Brandon Graham book.
STUCK IN THE MIDDLE 17 COMICS FROM AN UNPLEASANT AGE TP: Joe Matt story, dunno if it’s new.
THREE PARADOXES GN: Paul Hornschemeier’s last book, Mother Come Home was great, so I’m sure this is as well. Wonderful art.
In other news, I can't believe GPS lost! Oh well.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
King City
First off, I'm not sure why these 'original English language' books Tokyopop is putting out are called manga -- in the case of King City, and my favorite book from last year "The Abandoned", the only thing these really have in common with manga is the format. No distortions, no Japan, no nothing. So I'm not sure why they're called manga, but I sure do like them! Go Tokyopop! (Even though you cut off all the pages on "The Abandoned", and aren't going to print any more issues of it.)
As for King City, I came very close to not ordering this, in fact, it wasn't even on my original list, so I must have added it at the last minute. And thank goodness for that. I think I was initially going to pass due to the art, which ironically, is now what I like best about it. Initially, the art looked too graphitti-esque for me, but, upon reading it, realized there was much more to it than that. The art is very dynamic and really helps tell the story. Some of the sequences were so beautiful I found myself staring at them and re-reading them several times.
The story is great as well, Brandon has created a strange universe that does not feel 'out-there' when you read it, rather, it reads as completely normal for the inhabitants of that world. My favorite concept in the book is the drug 'Chalk', but there are so many original concepts in the book that I could have easily chosen any number of others.
And of course the cat; the cat rules.
Thanks Brandon, can't wait for the next issue.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
March 2007 Previews Picks
Pick of the month:
SCHULZS YOUTH HC: Pick of the month! I love non-Peanuts Schulz comics. This one is about teenagers. I enjoyed L’il Folks (pre-cursor to Peanuts), so I figure I’ll like this as well. Interestingly, I only really liked the first couple of years of Peanuts. Hmph. Hardcover only available to the direct market!
In the pull list this month:
BATMAN #666: A future Batman story by Grant Morrision. I’m a sucker for 666, so I’ll bite; hopefully an interesting tale.
BLACK DIAMOND #1: Instantly made my must-get list based on the copy: “Initially a response to international terrorism, the U.S. government grounds commercial airline flights and builds the Black Diamond, a dangerous road full of gearheads and misfits, drug runners and grey-market tech heads, all driving illegal 1970s muscle cars in a nomadic, breakneck existence.”
DEFINITION GN: This actually came out a while ago, but is being offered again, or some-such. This is the autobiographical comic of a girl in high-school, created while she was still in high-school, which means is may not be as polished as some other auto-bio’s, but is probably more honest and factual, being fresh in the mind of the author and all. I’ve only read one issue of the 3rd story line, and have been meaning to pick these up (I think there are 4 in total, grades 9-12 I believe).
FABLES VOL 9 SONS OF EMPIRE TP: Newest Fables trade, yay! I’ve been getting these since the Wooden Soldiers trade.
FOLLOWING CEREBUS #10: Dave Sim might be a bit nuts, but I find him endlessly fascinating (even though some of his writing goes right over my head the first couple of times I read it.)
IT’S ONLY A GAME TP: Another non-Peanuts Schulz comic! Two in one month? This one is full of sports gags. Not as excited about this as the Youth one, but both are must-gets. Might wait a bit on this one, however.
MIDNIGHTER #7: A one shot by Brian K Vaughn. I’m unfamiliar with the character, but the premise (a guy who can “anticipate any move to the nth degree”) sounds interesting, and should be handled well in BKV’s hands.
MR STUFFINS #3: Pt 3 of 3. Just to finish off the storyline. Not sure about this one.
NANA VOL 6 TP: I’m only up to #4, but so far I’m enjoying this one a lot.
TEZUKAS APOLLOS SONG: I’m a little late to hop on the Tezuka band-wagon, but I’m glad to be here. So far I’ve only read Vol.1 of his masterpiece “Phoenix”, and loved it, so I’m probably check this one-shot out.
WARD O/T STATE #1: Liked the preview in Previews. Teenage killers I think.
And in the not sure about pile:
BIZARRE NEW WORLD #1: About an average fat white American dude who discovers he is able to fly. Art looks good, and this seems like it could be very interesting.
CIVIL WAR FALLEN SON CAPTAIN AMERICA : JRJR art, and I dunno, more about Cap I guess.
CRIMINAL VOL 1 COWARD TP: I liked the first issue, so I should get this at some point.
HERO BY NIGHT #3: Ordered 1 and 2; will either get this or trade wait.
INCREDIBLE HULK #106: New ‘World War Hulk’ storyline; Hulk is back from exile in outer-space and is pissed! I might check this out, might just trade wait… where’s the Planet Hulk HC?
RE-GIFTERS: Second Minx volume. Liew art.
SIDEKICKIN ONE SHOT: I checked out the artist online somewhere and he seemed to have the stuff.
TANK GIRL THE GIFTING #1: New Tank Girl! Might TW.
WORLD WAR HULK PROLOGUE WORLD BREAKER: I think this is a recap of the Planet Hulk storyline… will it be in the HC? If not I might have to get.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Fantagraphics reprinting Pogo
I love Pogo and couldn't be more pleased. Design by Jeff Smith even!
Monday, February 12, 2007
February 2007 Previews Picks
First off, pick of the month has got to be, uh, no real standout, but I guess I’m looking most forward to getting MOUSE GUARD VOL 1 FALL 1152 HC. I’ve been waiting for this since reading the first issue, and I’m sure it will be a beautiful book. The publisher, Archaia has been very impressive so far with their titles and printing.
And that’s not the only Hardcover on my list this month, no, Mouse Guard is joined by a record 3 others!First up, the AGENTS OF ATLAS PREMIERE HC; again, I have been waiting for this since reading #1, and am jumping at the HC due to the inclusion of the origin issues of each of the characters, and a cheap discount price. This story is very well written by Jeff Parker, and the first issue did a good job of introducing the characters, who were all new to me, in a humorous and exciting way.
HC #2 is INVINCIBLE VOL 3 ULTIMATE COLL HC, I got #1 and 2 during the Google checkout sale from, and am enjoying those, so this is an easy add.LITTLE NEMO IN SLUMBERLAND VOL 1 LTD ED HC is #3, and I probably should have made this the pick of the month. Little Nemo was a wonder, and quality reprints are always welcome in my home.
Several other Trades round out the big books (see what I mean about the $?):
One, a welcome surprise, TRUTH SERUM: THE LONELY PARADE. I’m a big Jon Adams fan, love his art and sense of humor, so this second volume of the creepier side of superheroes is a must have.
SAVAGE DRAGON ARCHIVES VOL 2, Savage Dragon has always a guilty pleasure of mine, so I’m super grateful that Erik Larsen is putting out these cheap B&W showcase-type editions.PLAIN JANES - This is a first title from DC’s new Minx line - a line of original graphic novel targeted to females (young females I think). So why get it? Because someone at DC has big brains and put super talented creators on these titles. This one has art from the creator of Street Angel, and a writer who, from her web site, seems super cool; she even used to work for Epitaph records.
And in the floppy category, we have the following:
SPIDER-MAN FANTASTIC FOUR #1 - Jeff Parker, so I’ll check it out.MADMAN ATOMIC COMICS #1 - New Michael Allred series, should be good.
SALVADOR #1 - An interesting sounding story about a man who as a result of genetic engineering, is born so light and fragile he can fly. Written by Michael & Mark Polish, who made the movie Twin Falls Idaho, which was good. And weird.SOLLITARIA #1 - Mmm, not much to say about this really. I checked out a preview online and liked the art a lot. South African creators I believe. Here’s the link:
TICK 20TH ANN SP ED #1 - I’m not convinced this will be any good, but I have a hard time passing on a new Tick comic; especially when there’s something from creator Ben Edlund in it.BETTY & VERONICA DOUBLE DIGEST #151 - First issue with the new modern style art… I’d like to check it out.
Finally, a couple of continuing series:
UTOPIATES #4So there you go. Too much stuff.
In the drop pile this month are:ART OF BONE HC - I’ll definitely check it out, and might get it in the future.
FRIENDLY GHOST TP - Happy to see it coming out, since that might mean a Richie Rich in the future.SPAWN VINYL COLLECTOR DOLL - This looks too awesome, but costs to much 4 me.
BUDDY DOES JERSEY GN - I have all the issues of Hate, so I’m holding off on this for now.
And that’s it.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Previews Picks January 2007
ATHENA VOLTAIRE LEGEND OF MU KING #1 – I’ve heard a lot of good thing about this, so I thought I’d finally check it out.
BACK ISSUE #21 – 80’s and early 90’s Daredevil featuring Klaus Janson, John Romita Jr., Ann Nocenti, Frank Miller, and others. I was a big DD fan during the Romita\Nocenti era, Klaus is my favorite comic artist, and Frank Miller is a no-brainer, so I’m there already. Plus - Greatest Stories Never Told examines Colleen Doran's unpublished X-Men spin-off, Fallen Angels! Doran, and Fallen Angels 2? Score and score, my friend.
DYNAMO 5 #1 – A superman type dies and his widow finds his 5 illegitimate children, each who has inherited one of his super-powers. Sounds interesting enough to check out.
GRENDEL ARCHIVE EDITION HC - I have the 2 Mage HC’s so this first version Grendel is right up my alley. Apparently this is the original 3 issue mini-series that is impossible to find, and Matt Wagner calls a “draft” verision (according to Wiki). I don’t think I’ve ever read Grendel, somehow… weird.
HERO BY NIGHT #1 – A kid takes over for an old superhero (I think). Nice art, and great web site with previews:
LEGION OF MONSTERS MAN-THING #1 – OK, seriously, penciled by Klaus Janson, and Ted Mckeever? Are you kidding me? Two of my all time favorites (one who IS my all time favorite)? Not only a must, but pick of the month, if not year. I can’t wait.
PERHAPANAUTS SECOND CHANCES TP – I’ve only read the first issue (here), but thought it was great. This is the second trade, I’ll be ordering the first as well. The story is about a team of mythical creatures, who protect humanity from other creatures who cross over into our world. The first issue was exciting, had interesting characters, and a nice dose of humor, which I like.
UNIQUE #1 – A parallel world’s story by Dean Motter of Mr. X fame. Sold.
WASTELAND BOOK 1 – Post-apocalypic earth type story, which I love. Thought the first issue was great, so I can’t wait to see where the story goes.
On the maybe list:
BPRD GARDEN OF SOULS #1 – I’ve never checked this out, but it gets great hype, and I’ve always liked Guy Davis.
CSI DYING IN THE GUTTERS TP – I liked the first issue, but I need to re-read it to see if I care enough to want the whole series. Very comic industry centeric. I think it was pretty funny.
FANTASTIC FOUR #544 – New FF team, written by Dwayne McDuffie, who I like.
ELEPHANTMEN VOL 1 WOUNDED ANIMALS HC – I need to re-read the first issue again. Not sure I need a HC though.
ESSEX COUNTY VOL 1 TALES FROM THE FARM – I’ll probably get this. Top Shelf iz gud. Gotta love this part of the copy: “Lester befriends the town's gas station owner, and former damaged hockey star, Jimmy Lebeuf. The two escape into a fantasy world of Superheroes, alien invaders and good old fashioned pond hockey.” Preview here: I think I might have just convinced myself to move this to the order list.
JEFFERY BROWNS FEEBLE ATTEMPTS – I like Jeffery Brown, but haven’t been too into his stuff recently, so this is a maybe.
Not a bad month overall.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Don Rosa Interview
Interview with Disney comics writer and artist Don Rosa, made by Fievel A. Elliott in 2000. I'm really just posting this to remind myself to watch it. Don Rosa rocks. |
Monday, January 01, 2007
Da Vinci's Inquest

1) The possibility of extras. The Canadian release is as barebones as it gets, so the possibility of anything additional is exciting; doubtful, but exciting. My guess is that it will be a straight port.
2) The prospect of the eventual release of Seasons 2-7. It's a shame that a show this good hasn't had a proper full release yet.
If you haven't seen the show yet, get on that Tivo. The show is about the Coroner's office in Vancouver, BC, and the associated police and homicide investigations. Kind of the grandfather of the CSI ilk, but better.