Friday, August 27, 2004


I tend to be a bit of a TV freak... always have been. Not being the most social person in the world, I guess it makes sense. Fact is I like to be entertained. Sure I like being entertained by real life humans, but real life humans require feedback from me, which I often find difficult. Plus, if the TV starts to bore me I can just change the channel, which is awkward to do in real life. But enough of that; before I delve too deeply into my neuroses let me get to the crux of this post... I love TV, and as such will now share with you some of my favorite hidden gems.

These are the shows that have kept me entertained all summer, when network TV takes a breather. And by damn, some of these shows rank much higher than their more mainstream ilk:

1) Trailer Park Boys, BBC America. A current Canadian cable show (think the Canadian version of HBO or Showtime) being broadcast in the States by BBCA, TPB is currently my favourite show on the tube. Trailer Park Boys is about two 30 something guys living in a trailer park (surprise. surprise), and trying to survive the daily grind of life. Of course their daily life is hep full of drinking, and drug dealing, and robbery, but daily life nonetheless. The whole show is seen through the camera of a team of filmmakers documenting the lives of these individuals in the park, so we often see the characters talking directly to the camera in mock-documentary style. The trailer park boys and their co-horts are for the most part bumbling idiots, but are also quite indearing in a odd sort of way. In the end this show is really about the interactions between people, and is terribly funny. It's also completely full of profanity, and as such isn't for those who don't like the swears.

BBCA is currently airing the 2nd season. The first 3 seasons are available on DVD from Canada censor free. I own them, but have yet to watch them all. The commentaries I've seen thus far are really good (1).

Oh yeah, Bubbles rules!

2) Da Ali G show, HBO. Ali G is a white homeboy style character done by Sasha Baron Cohen, who also does 2 other characters on the show, the hilarious Borat, and the other guy whose name evades me. This show has seemed to have popped, so I'm not going to talk it up much. Respekt. I've also watched the Ali G movie that came out in the UK -- is was OK, but not up to par with the HBO show.

3) Chef!, BBC America. BBC America rules this year -- there are 4-5 shows on it that I watch regularly. Chef is one of them. Chef is a show about a Chef at a French restaurant, played by comedian Lenny Henry (who is married to Dawn French apparently). Pretty much the Chef character yells at and berates his staff every episode quite hilariously. Lenny Bruce is great. For some unknown reason this show isn't out on DVD, but there are 2 videotapes available. The show itself is from 95 or so. Highly recommended.

4) Monk, USA. I think Monk is pretty big so I won't go into it. For those who haven't watched it, it's a comedy/mystery show about an obsessive-compulsive detective. The only down side is that the seasons are too short and a couple stories were a bit implausible. Other than that, ace. Bitty Schram and Tony Shaloob rock.

That's it for now. Next time - My Hero!

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