Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Carson and Love, Actually

First off, I don't know why people are so confused, or off put by the fact that the Johnny Carson dvd's are selling like hotcakes now that he's passed. Make perfect sense to me - Johnny dies, it's in the news, people go "oh, poor Johnny (how old was he?) I loved his show, I wonder if it's out on DVD? Oh, look, it is!"... and hotcakes are born.

I actually wouldn't mind seeing them DVD's myself come to think of it. I never really watched his show (don't watch any of the current batch either,) but I'm sure I'd enjoy a best of. Time to hit the library I guess, well, after the death rush that is...

Second, just thought I'd recommend a movie I watched last night called "Love Actually". It was probably pretty popular when it came out... lets see... $60 million, not bad. I Tivo'd it in Nov and finally got around to watching it last night. Actually, love, I began watching it on Sunday, then decided to watch another installment last night (no, not the best method of watching a movie, I admit, in fact probably the worst, but I've been short for time lately and poor Tivo is jammed to the gills...) So I begin watching the movie, with plans to turn it off and head to bed in half an hour. An hour and fifteen minutes later I think to look at the clock and notice the time. Yikes! Way past my bedtime. Apparently I had gotten so engrossed in the movie that I did not realize the passage of time, nor did I have the inclination to glance at the clock. Now that's an endorsement if I ever heard one! At this point there was only 20 minutes or so left in the film so of course I watched it all. And loved it.

No, it wasn't perfect, but it was quite lovely. And chock-full of stars! Hugh Grant, Rowan Atkinson, Liam Neeson, Laura Linney, Colin Firth, Emma Thompson, Keira Knightley, Tim from The Office (Martin Freeman), etc. That's a lot of star power.

Um, good stories, and written, apparently by the guy who did Four Weddings and a Funeral, a bunch of Rowan Atkinson stuff (Bean, Blackadder), and some other brit goodies. All the stories are about love and relationships, both sad and heartwarming. Quite a bit of swearing and some mild nudity for those who care; nothing shocking or obscene, just adult. I recommend. And that 11 year old kid was super. Go kids!

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