Sunday, June 17, 2007

June 2007 Comic Previews Picks

Here are this months picks for comics shipping August 2007:

Pick of the month!

My POTM this month is the easiest yet – it is a collection of an old series that I have been wanting for a long time now. I figured it would be coming eventually, what with all of the awesome reprints that are coming out these days (Peanuts, Little Lulu, Popeye, etc.) This one may be less of a classic, but it has always appealed to me -- HARVEY COMICS CLASSICS VOL 2 RICHIE RICH TP!!! Yup, the poor little rich boy hisself. I believe this is a best-of collection, and not a sequential release, but that’s ok. Nice series this Harvey Classics, let’s hope v3 is Little Dot.

The rest, in alpha semi-priority order:

RIDE HOME GN: Yay! I’ve been waiting for this one for several months now, ever since finding the comic online. The story of a Van-Gnome, who loses the Van he lives it and tries to find it. Fun stuff: Based on what I’ve seen, it looks like anything by creator Joey Weiser is a must get (I think Superior Showcase comes out this month, yay again!)

SPECIAL FORCES #1: Another yay! A new Kyle Baker series, this one about an autistic kid getting enlisted (which apparently happened last year) along with a bunch of other kids who also shouldn’t have been enlisted. Mostly though, it’s a Kyle Baker war story, and I personally loved the art in Truth: Red, White and Blue, so I can’t wait for this. (Yes, I realize the art in this is different). Preview art

MIRIAM #1: The story of Miriam and Peter, who been friends since the third grade. Each issue has 3 stories from their lives, over a period of twenty years. Sound interesting and the art appears to me. Previews here

MY FRIEND DAHMER #1: by Derf. Derf was friends with Jeffery Dahmer in High School. Sound be an interesting read. Get’s a big recommend from the Top Shelf blog. Preview ‘ere

SHAZAM MONSTER SOCIETY OF EVIL DELUXE HC: Sometimes it pays to wait… the collected version of Jeff Smith’s new limited series. Looks amazing, pretty much an automatic purchase for any Bone fan.

SUPERMAN #666: Simonson art, yeah!

TEEN TITANS #50: I know zero about the Teen Titans, but I know a lot about the new series writer – Sean McKeever, and thing I know is that Sean can write the hell out of a teen superhero story. Yay! Sean + teen superhero = gold! Kudos to DC for paying attention.

PHOENIX VOL 11 TP: I recently picked up a bunch of these from Great stuff.

AWAKENING #1: A zombie book by Archaia. Or at least it appears to be – people have gone missing and a girl claims it because of zombies. I’m excited for 2 reasons: 1) Archaia has been putting out some top notch stuff, and 2) I love good zombie stories, which seem to be out numbered by bad ones. Abandoned by Ross Campbell was a good one. I think this will be as well.

KILLING PICKMAN #1: Another Archaia book, about a cop who decised to kill a serial killer, whcih is, apparently, more difficult than assumed. Great looking cover.

THIRTEEN STEPS #1: By Phil Hester and Chuck Satterlee. About a teen werewolf. I’m getting this because I’m bummed about Golly! getting cancelled (although it appears Image may release it), and I love Chuck on Comic Geek Speak. I think they talked about this on CGS, but I haven’t heard that ep yet.

HARBINGER THE BEGINNING HC: OK, I tried, but I’m not sure I can pass on a Valiant HC. Especially if it means later they bring out Solar, X-O, and ARCHER AND ARMSTRONG books.

VOL 1 EVERYTHING WENT WHITE PREM HC: I’d like to read this, but I might wait for the SC.

Too much once again. Why do comics have to be so awesome?

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