Thursday, October 18, 2007

October 2007 Comic Previews Picks

Here are my picks for the Oct 2007 issue of Previews. Pretty good month, some solid releases.

ANT UNLEASHED #1: I liked the Image run of Ant (although I’m painfully behind in my reading), so I’ll check this one out. Disappointed that Mario Gully is only writing this, and not drawing; hopefully he’ll draw some issues in the future.
BATLASH #1: Sergio Aragones and John Severin western. Apparently created by Sergio in 1968, with a short run.
BLACK HOLE SC: Softcover release of this highly regarded Charles Burns book. This takes place in the 70’s and is about STDs that result in weird deformities. I read one issue of the floppy and it was quite amazing. Really took me to the 70’s and drew me into the situation taking place. Can’t wait to read this.
BLACK METAL VOL 1 GN: I passed on this the first time it was solicited, and Chuck BB had sold out of his copies at the Chicago con before I saw him, so I’ll get it now.
BLUE PILLS GN: Good hype on this as well; euro love story, supposedly quite memorable and emotional.
CAPTAIN AMERICA #33: New Cap I think.
CRIMINAL TP VOL 02 LAWLESS: Loved V1, so I’m looking forward to this next volume in this crime tale. The story arc is supposed to be as good, or better than the first.
DEADLY BELOVED MS TREE MMPB NOVEL: Yay! I am a big Ms. Tree fan, so I’m looking forward to this new incarnation.
END LEAGUE #1: What is this? Oh yeah, “A thematic merging of The Lord of the Rings and Watchmen” wow, big words, them. Superheroes on a quest to find Thor’s hammer in a world overrun by evil. I’ll check it out.
FANTASTIC FOUR ISLA DE LA MUERTE #1: Tom Beland of True Story Swear to God. I was never really turned on by TSSTG, but I like it when alt people do super tales.
INFINITE HORIZON #1: Phil Noto can draw like mad, but sometimes his art seems stiff to me. Course, that’s just based on a couple of comics of his I read with not-so-hot writing.
NANA TP VOL 08: New Nana! I love this title; Manga about a girl named Nana who moves to Tokyo and becomes friends with a rock singer, also named Nana. Two live action movies have come out in Japan (SE’s available on DVD!) and I think an anime series to come.
NEXT ISSUE PROJECT #1: New Image series where they take old abandoned comic characters, and use them in new stories.
NORTH WIND #1(Res): I ordered this before, but it was cancelled. Thanks Boom. Post-apocalyptic ice world tale. I’ll have to think about this more.
NORTHLANDERS #1: New Brian Wood story about Vikings. I’m not too hip to Wood, but I have liked what I read. And I like seeing his studio in Comics Foundry mag.
NOVA TP VOL 01 ANNIHILATION CONQUEST: Good hype; I’ve never read.
RED MASS FOR MARS #1: New Jonathan Hickman book that he’s writing but not reading; I mean drawing. I assume he’ll read it.
SAND CHRONICLES GN VOL 01: New shojo manga book from Tokyopop, yay! Good reviews on this one; can’t wait.
SOME NEW KIND OF SLAUGHTER #1: I was iffy on this one until I checked out the creator’s blog; now I can’t wait. Re-imagining and re-examining old flood stories\myths. I think they are starting with Uncle Noah building himself an Ark. On the blog, there are a bunch of posts that are discussions between the writer and artist regarding the book, and what it should contain. I love it when people use the web to share such awesomeness. Check it out:
SUPERPOWERS #0: New Alex Ross super book. So cheap how can you pass?
WASTELAND TP BOOK 02 SHADES OF GOD: Ok, I still have to read V1, but I’m sure it’s great. #1 was great. I believe this doesn’t contain the Carla Speed McNeil issue, but that’s ok; I’m sure everyone already has that one, since it *was* drawn by Carla Speed McNeil! Kind of funny, I got that issue because of the artist, and later read a post from someone online saying they *didn’t* get it because of the unknown art. Hah! Fools!

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